Wednesday, May 9, 2012

it's all about me

good morning---i started searching through my old posts to find one that was more on the lighter side of life---since my last couple have been pretty heavy---most of the posts i thought of using, required other readings to make sense-----so i decided to just post a post about myself----

i just saw this piece on the news last night---the jest of it that i took away, was things like facebook twitter and i am assuming blogging too, are all a part of our bragging on ourselves---evidently, bragging releases things in the brain, that are pleasurable---i have never considered myself a braggart, but they say, even wanting to give your opinion, is a form of bragging--

well that stupid theory is not what my post is about, it is about me---get it hahahaha

i am known through-out my family as the wolf caller---seriously, i do a mean wolf call--

i am an adventurous cook--as far as stews, casseroles and soups, go---i will try different things with ease, and even take them somewhere on the first try-

i used to write music and sing, way back in the day and turned down a career, as i was supposed to open at one of our local concert places, for, i don't even remember the group--it was some new group, the talent agency, i worked for, represented-i guess this was kinda bragging hmmmm--that stupid theory-

i am only giving random thoughts of things about myself--they certainly do not represent any importance in their being listed or their order-

i can spot driftwood from any distance, and no matter that on second look it turns out to be dog poop--

a friend and i will one day write together, what i have always known will be a best seller--"love don't buy no tires"-

i have been known to go in a dressing room and try on a hat that was meant as a door decoration---try thinking of what you would say, when you are in the dressing room and you hear people snickering, and then you read the tag--that the hat is indeed a decoration for your front door---you exit, with something like---"i was just trying to hang it on the clothes rack in there, to see how it is going to look on my door at home"---yeah no one notices your sudden hat hair----

oh and one important thing, not really about myself, but one of the most important pieces of advice i can give one-----if you are threatening, oh i don't know, someone, like the cast of a play that is to open in a week and the actors, actually believed you, when you said they could read their parts---they not realizing it was a directors ploy to nurse them along in their confidence----

back to the great lesson---if you are leaving, get to that door first and make your dramatic exit----don't let the cast one and all (except one poor soul who wasn't fast enough)--make a mad dash and leave you in a utterly useless, director's huff--


  1. Fun post! I love your hat story. :)

    Do you still sing?

    1. not really--only in church, not even in the choir and only in my head in the shower--glad you like my hat story---now every time i see that friend, which is not too often--i wear a big straw hat!

  2. I'd love to hear your wolf call.

    1. i am very sure you would be rightly impressed ;)

  3. Cool with your ability on cooking! I'm not the cook in the family, but hubby is and he's one that tweaks with recipes too; always producing delicious results :)

    Cute hat story too!

    fun post!

    have a great day!


    1. my cooking doesn't always produce a winner-haha--thanks and hope your day is great too!

  4. I like the hat story, sounds like something that would happen to me. :) I'm impressed with your cooking skills, too.

    1. i just meant to say i had unwarranted confidence, not skills--haha thanks shelley!

  5. Great post! I want to hear your wolf call too! And your singing :) I liked the hat story, that sounds like something I would do :)

    1. yeah i am more known, now for the wolf call---thanks nikki ;)

  6. 'i have been known to go in a dressing room and try on a hat that was meant as a door decoration'

    This was a very funny post, Lynn. :)

    1. you mean there are two of us---that's so cool--thanks suze!

    2. suze-haha i just realized you were quoting me--just when i didn't feel so all alone-;)

  7. "Love don't buy no tires." Already looking forward to it!

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  8. i think we just like thinking about, it--thanks sarah :)

  9. Love the hat story! It sounds like something completely ditzy that I would do.

    1. hmmm it is sounding like a lot of us gals go for the big straw door hats--thanks!!

  10. This is funny. I like your brand of bragging! And the hat story is just too cute!

    1. haha good, and yeah, i probably should have saved the rest of the stuff and just gone with the hat thing--thanks sherry;)

  11. Things we always wanted to know, Lynn! :)

    We all have those "hat" stories; thanks for sharing yours!
    Mine might have been mocking the Crocidile Hunter after his death (I didn't know he had died.) It was embarrassing, but a good story.

    1. omgoodness! yeah we all do have those stories---thanks angie;)

    2. i don't know where my comment went--haha your story sounds very interesting--thanks angie!

  12. That hat story is hilarious and I do wish love could grow money trees or give us three wishes. Thanks for sharing these tidbits about you with us. :)

    1. oh yeah wouldn't that be something--i think i would take the three wishes---thanks christine!

  13. Rushing to the door to avoid the director's huff--love that!

    1. yep they all rushed right past me, as i was giving my, "i can't direct you people if you don't trust me speech" haha!

  14. I somehow missed your question on my post Tuesday. I do like Rosanne Cash, she had some good songs for a while but she seemed to disappear pretty quickly.

    1. yeah she is still touring or at least she was a couple of years ago--we were trying to work it out to see her, but couldn't swing it--

  15. of course social media is "all about me" - look at my kids, my trip, my life =) or listen to me whine! and did you know that blog is short for web log? we are posting our journals =)

    nice post!

  16. There's no doubt a lot of folks are on social media so they can brag. Others want to agitate and irritate. I still think it's fun.

    1. yeah it can be fun--i don't find facebook as entertaining as i once did-and pinterest--i am still not sure what the point is there!

  17. An adventurous cook, huh? I would like to do that, but my husband is not an adventurous eater. Boo!

    Enjoyed the hat story!

    1. haha my husband would try just about anything ;)
