Thursday, February 27, 2014

and the nominees are

it's been some time since i have shared anything about our church coffeehouse---the one that my daughter robyn and the youth group she used to be a part of--revived a couple of years ago--frank and i have had a hand in it also as has our pastor and his wife who is also our church youth leader-

we all have a lots of fun with it---giving kids a place to hang out one night a month---and a platform for some serious talent around the community and discovering stars right in our home church---

we have had other youth groups join us and other church groups come and perform---

in a couple of weeks we will be holding the "jahnke road baptist church lighthouse coffeehouse" first awards show---the J.U.P.E. awards---"Jesus uniting people everywhere"----it should be great fun---

some of the categories are serious--and some--just this unique family--poking fun at ourselves---

as much of our nights at the coffeehouse are documented with pictures and videos---we have shared videos for people to vote on

"the most inspiring"-"the best duet"---"the most out-there"--  "who knew"----and many more

you get the picture

so i hope you enjoy the random videos i will share today 


  1. It took me eleven seconds to realize that was 'Man in the Mirror' but once I did, I loved it!

    'Be the change you wish to see in the world.'


    1. haha that's one of those "open mic" times---i know i love that song and what it says :)

  2. This is a delightful opportunity for youth to share their talents and mingle.

  3. thanks susan--it has become a bright spot in all of our lives and i so love giving kids the chance to do their thing :)

  4. it really is dana--i can be really tired and not want to venture out but once i get there they keep me laughing :)

  5. Well, if you can't sing at least have a laugh while trying.
    Great fun Lynn.
    (And some of them had good voices and could sing)

  6. haha yeah seriously they all can sing when they are trying---it is so much fun jim!

  7. What a great thing for the youth. I hope it keeps them all in the church.

  8. Glad you have Jesus in your life.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
