Friday, April 7, 2023


#AtoZChallenge 2023

 Feeling may come and just as suddenly they go- but where do they go-

I’m sure not every feeling is hidden somewhere but there has to be something about deep ones or even impressions things make on us- I believe they hang around- maybe because we decided To come back and deal with them another time

And I wonder if impressions are meant to only be that at the time- to bring it to thought in the future - like a forewarning 

Feelings are so elusive but not to be ignored 

They wash over us as a covering of sorts and welcome us and as easily they can betray us

But we could never truly stop our feelings but we absolutely should inspect them


  1. First, I love that song. Second, I think feelings stay around, too, but they morph from good feelings to bad to indifferent, etc.
