Tuesday, May 25, 2010


first of all sorry kelli that i didn't write on your birthday or before--

i feel like i have known you for lots longer than i really have- you and colin were so young when you started dating---you spent so much time with our family before you officially became a part of our family--

you took to all the kids right away and they to you- i will always remember how sweet you were to step in and offer to babysit the kids - you can't begin to know what that meant to frank and i--

i remember how when you and colin got your first house--you guys were so unhappy there and you would call me just about every night as you had to drive that long lonesome drive- i hated it too-

you are a wonderful wife and mother and a very special daughter to me-

i am so thankful that God brought you to colin and to us- happy birthday<3

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