Monday, June 11, 2012

just a little weekend journaling

monday morning---i just got back from maybe a record setting trip to the grocery store--

always lots of things to catch up on, when monday rolls around--

we had a pretty busy weekend----

the coffee house turned out well--we had 8 youth and 2 were new--so that is always exciting---they all seemed to have a great time----and we also had birthday cake for our "pastor bob"----

he had left the church and was coming back----frank let him leave----i don't know why----so the pastor's wife, had to call him and tell him to come back, so we could sing to him and cut the birthday cake---

i told her she should have said the church was on fire or something else to get him back, but she being very sweet and truthful, told him about the birthday cake---

which led to a kinda funny scene, which i will leave a video today of-------

we also had our youngest grandson's birthday party to attend---he turned 10!

there was ballroom for robyn and lots of church yesterday-

we had our church then robyn had her "youth on mission" meeting----there they worked on the youth calendar for the summer---an exorbitant amount of time was spent on voting and re-voting on whether to go bowling later this month or skating---bowling won out---for now--

i went by to see my sister yesterday, since her birthday is actually today---she is 10 years older than me---we made a video there of her singing a funny song my nephew had written---but i don't think i will share that just yet---

then last night robyn was invited to a youth run church service at a friend's church---it gave us some good ideas to copy!

just checking in to say hi and wishing everyone a happy productive week :) 

                                        watch the whole thing and notice the awkward moment


  1. It sounds like you had a very busy weekend. Happy birthday to your grandson!

  2. Love the idea of the coffee house. You are terrific for being so involved. Have a more restful week, though!

  3. Too much stress! You need to relax. :)

    Have a great week!

    1. you are so right---it was toooo busy--thanks dana, you too--and be careful!!

  4. Wow, you've been busy! Lots of cake I hope! Happy birthday to your grandson :D x

    1. i have!! yes--a couple of small pieces at the coffee house--but i did good at my grandson's--just a bite of frank's--thanks althea :)

  5. What a lovely weekend! The busy ones are the best. I love the name Robyn and I enjoy hearing about your life on the other side of the world!

  6. Glad you had a good time even if it was exhaustive.

  7. I've been so busy the last few days, and now Catching up on commenting sounded like a fun and busy day, and the pastor was a trooper. Anymore if I hear birthday and I run in the opposite direction. :)

  8. Sounds like a nice weekend...Happy Birthday to your grandson!

  9. Sounds like a very nice weekend - full of laughter and fun. tHat's the very best kind!

  10. It's great to hear you had a wonderful weekend - :) Happy Birthday to your grandwon. :)

  11. I watched the video,but I must have missed the awkward moment; I did like the singing though (both of the young ones and the happy birthday to the Pastor)

    Happy birthday to your grandson and sister!! Sounds like a very fun weekend :) (did you take a nap today to catch up on sleep?)


    1. haha i told robyn, i should have explained that "awkward" moment---you see, as i said the pastor came back--knowing he was going to have a cake, etc.---but gloria, our singer---was not picking up on it and had started her new song, when robyn had asked the pastor to come on down for a minute---frank had already lit the candles and everyone is waiting, while poor gloria is being rudely interrupted---:)

  12. 'an exorbitant amount of time was spent on voting and re-voting on whether to go bowling later this month or skating'

    This made me smile.

    1. haha yeah they were pretty funny--some of the kids even trying to vote twice--glad it made you smile suze :)

  13. Replies
    1. yes very very--too busy--but good--thanks lynda :)

  14. good for you...a fun busy weekend!!

  15. Sounds like the perfect, peaceful but busy weekend. Hope you have an equally productive week full of happy.

  16. I love to visit around to other churches and glean new ideas. As a pastor's wife that doesn't happen too often on a Sunday morning so I really appreciate the opportunity when we are on vacation. We have brought back some great new insights. Glad you had a productive week.
