Friday, April 15, 2022


 The Bible says “with what mercy you show- you will be shown “

Should make us keenly aware of the importance of mercy 

I think most of us have it for the ones we love 

The challenge begins when we look outside ourselves- and our judgement begins to cloud our capacity for mercy 

We are our brother’s keeper 

We are all just separated by the families we were born into and the continent we abide in

Mercy is not within you to give- it comes from a higher power- a divine essence of grace

Perhaps the closest we come to it in our humanness is when we give birth to another person by body or heart

And even though mercy is ethereal- it is contradictory to what makes us human


  1. It is hard to be merciful at times especially to those we may not like or those who have hurt us or a loved one in some ways. However, I am glad that God is always merciful to us!

