Monday, April 18, 2022

Opposites do they really attract

 I think Frank and I could easily be labeled as opposites- and we did attract- don’t worry this isn’t that kind of post

I do wonder if opposites make better partners or friends 

Like the yin and Yang thing—good cop bad cop- 

In my life- that’s much of what I see- in friends and family- I would cautiously call most couples I know opposites 

It doesn’t line up with something I heard somewhere a long time ago- it said that if you would want a best friend like yourself then you were well adjusted 

I’m sure it is nice to have people in our lives who have common beliefs and interests 

Honestly Frank was interested in just about everything when we first met- me not so much- so really he probably gave up hobbies and such for me and our growing family 

So I haven’t made any earth shattering insights into this theory I guess it all comes down to chemistry and chance- or destiny 


  1. I strongly believe whether it's opposites or not people are attracted only due to chemistry and and yess the destiny plays a role in bringing the right people together!

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

    1. Yes I think you are right- it’s a mixture! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. I think God also has something to do with bringing people together :) But so true that opposites do attract each other. They probably do so to complement each other :)


    1. Oh most definitely- and it would explain people saying how another person completes them!

  3. While hubby and I are opposites to a point, being married for years, well we must have some same likes.
