Thursday, April 1, 2021


 I wasn’t sure if I would participate in the az challenge this year but I figured it would help me to write 

Today my word is after- after my husband Frank died- I was going to say passed away but that’s much too nice of a word 

Too nice for the agonizing way he died- the horrible covid death 

I never gave much thought that he would go before me- it just seemed like we had lots of years left

My father had died three months before my husband but sad to admit- I was ready for dad’s departure from his aged body- he died at 95- that seems right - that was expected 

How did I still not get - how life isn’t neatly ordered or reasoned 

How did I not stop this somehow- how was it that I allowed my best friend of almost 44 years - to die alone- hooked up to all they had to offer- ravaged beyond recognition of the man I knew and loved

So after that- I really don’t know what to say about after that but I know I breathe deeper and think awful thoughts 

I dare to do some things I enjoy- only to catch myself looking back more often than I ever have

And wondering if after will ever be okay 


  1. After probably will never be okay, it is different as you know. It might get "easier" but never back to what it once was. Good luck with the challenge! I'm not really blogging these days so I probably won't be commenting on any other posts you write this month but did see this post of yours on my blog feed.

    Take care of yourself!


    1. It’s so nice to hear from you Betty- thank you❤️

  2. It's so true.. we all think we have lots of years left, and we live that way. Until everything changes. So sorry for your loss.

  3. I think we all live as if we'll live forever. I'm so sorry for your tremendous loss, and am glad you are putting words to your grief here. Take care.
