Friday, April 23, 2021

Tales- that we tell

 As a young child I recall listening intently to the grownups talking about the past- things they did as children or just repeating tales passed down from generation to generation 

I still share with my kids - as much as I can- all the history and folklore I’ve heard- probably adding in some of my own take on the original stories- not on purpose but just because that’s what happens to the long line of story telling 

Once when Frank and I took my parents on a ride - we took them to where each had grown up- my mother was in the later days of Alzheimer’s- my father told as much as he could recall- while Robyn recorded him on a small tape recorder 

Do you know I have yet to listen to the tape

I’m planning to look for it and listen to it soon- I wish we had made more recordings 

Maybe I should write whatever I can recall now- wouldn’t it be something if I had audible stories from my long gone relatives- now their only memories are in glimpses of a feeling or a hidden thought just waiting to be brought back into our consciousness 

I hope my kids continue the tales- and that each generation has their own version of the stories and that they start lots of new tales to be told 


  1. And that is why I have the blog. I just printed 2014-2020 into books. We keep them in the bedroom. Someday when I'm gone, all my stories will be right there for them to read if they choose.

    Funny, one of the books came the other day. Thirty minutes had passed and Husband still had not come totally into the house after work. I found him out there reading.

    Life moves fast. It's my way of preserving it all.

  2. My mom told lots of tales, but sadly neither one of my kids were much to hearing them or tales I might have wanted to tell them. I do hope your kids continue the tales you have told them.


    1. Awww maybe one day they will want to hear them Betty ❤️
