Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Well done- Thy good and faithful servant

 When I went to pick out Frank’s grave marker I asked my children to come with me

We all suggested things concerning the appearance of his and one day my grave marker 

My oldest son had thought it would be fitting for their dad to have the biblical verse “well done thy good and faithful servant” - everyone agreed it was a perfect verse for him

Frank had been faithful- always tender hearted towards others- taking his leisure time to volunteer with disabled people or help with my aging parents or his family- including his special needs youngest grandson 

Frank was always willing to give whatever time he had to others - all the while still working full time up to his covid attack 

I don’t mean to or would I want to make him sound perfect 

Because that would be one of the things he would gladly tell you - his amazement at how God could use even him- as he often said 

He took joy in small things and learned to be more and more generous with his finances too

He laughed easily and loved big

He cried openly and unashamed-

His understanding of the Bible was clearly God given by the Holy Spirit 

Yes he most surely was a good and faithful servant 

But not like an unwilling servant but a chosen loving grateful servant- well done


  1. He surely was a loving grateful servant. I'm sure he heard those words "well done good and faithful servant."

    1. I like to believe he did!! Thanks Betty ❤️🙏
