I picked last- I can’t talk about some last times- I’m not comfortable enough to delve into some last times- so although it’s still emotional and bittersweet- I decided I would feel okay with the idea of my childhood home last times-
As we sold our parents house a few years ago- I found myself going there several last times- to go through old stuff- marked with the occasional treasure- or a long forgotten piece of childhood that echoed with a mixture of dread regrets and sadness- and not without a sprinkling of fear-
Wondering how I got to these last times- did I ever foresee the future as I sat in the soft chair- looking at the Christmas tree- almost always after Christmas- and suddenly feeling the Christmas spirit-
Did my reflection in the picture windows ever stop to truly see myself- would it recognize the woman pondering these memories today-
Last time in my hallway- last time in my bedroom-in the pink bathroom- in the paneled den - last time- take it in- don’t resist the endless pangs of illusive moments-
So I touched the door- looking back as I closed it-like watching the last scene in a long running sitcom-
And I promised the child within me- that I would try hard to give reverence to all these last times
"I would give reverence to these last times." That is beautifully said. The best way to approach all of our last times by far, I think, although I never before thought of it in those words.
ReplyDeleteThank you Karen ❤️