Why do I feel compelled to continue my Y days- as a poem about yesterday-
I usually don’t mind- going in a different direction- or tossing caution to the winds of yesterday- but I fear I don’t have too much more intricate or alluring analogies -
If you care to go back to the other years Y days- I believe there are quite a few poems worth a read-
If yesterday was here now- it would be a gift- or if yesterday was in the future- well that didn’t work-
I’m not even sure I can honestly say- the if I knew today thing-
I do think it would be a hoot to go back and know you made it- so no stress- but hey- wait a minute- if we went back- knowing how things turned out- we could mess it all up - as we would act and react differently-
So as you can see- I’ve conquered my habitual yesterday poem thing- oh yesterday-
My word was "yesterday" also! I'm late visiting. Things just get past me some days. Yesterday I was better at this.