good friday morning- it is the 3rd of september- where has the time gone?--it has been a pretty busy summer- it seemed every weekend we had either a party or wedding or something out of the usual to attend, so even though we didn't get to take our beach vacation this summer we were certainly not bored--there were also some sad occasions as we had several funerals
robyn started taking some ballroom classes this summer and her regular dance school's dance camp- where i also taught drama----we have been able to spend more time with my son colin as he is still looking for a full time position ( still has the part-time job) so that has been a blessing in disguise---the baby quinlan is growing very nicely and is as cute as a bug, of course!
we had major car repairs this summer which if it hadn't been for colin, my dad and frank's sister kim and her husband james and his brother and his wife's business , well it probably would have had to sit in the driveway for a good while- praise God it is fixed!!
our grandson cadhan started football this summer, he is 8 and has never played before--he's playing defense- very cute but worry about him--hope to go to lots of his games-
my friend shannon and i have been trying to start a wedding coordinating business but so far no work--after getting back into it this spring and summer for a couple of friends and families weddings--i thought it would be a great fun way to make money - we'll see-
oh yeah robyn has started making cool hair bands and pins- her dance teacher is letting her sell them at the studio- so far she has sold 2--they are really cute and you can't beat her prices!
we have gone back to our old church so far so good- robyn has thrown herself completely back in- even to the point of working on a video for the church's 60th anniversary and is planning to do a praise dance along to it--she is having some problems right now with the video part- hope it all works out
my mom is doing about the same, but they were able to get extra help from a dear lady at church- the insurance allowed for them to use her so it worked out nicely for both--
this weekend we are celebrating my granddaughter rylee's 6th birthday- she was going to have another pool party but just a couple of days ago she broke her arm- she is doing well though and should only have it on about 3 weeks-
i am always concerned about all of my grandchildren going to school each new year- but am very concerned about my oldest grandson brennen as he will be in middle school this year -
well i think i will go for now and try to get something done before frank gets home, or maybe go feed my fish on fishworld-- i know it's really very sad isn't it-