Thursday, April 30, 2020
Zest Zoom and Zip lock bags
Last year’s Z entry was an attempt to compare a Zip line to life!
This will be another try!!
Too bad the alphabet ends with probably the least used letter- other than poor X
I mean wouldn’t it be nice to go out with a Bang or a Mystery or even a Poem!
But alas I digress- so on with it I go!
You know I don’t think I’ve ever used the zest of a lemon - orange or lime— and why not- I mean it sounds pretty simple but elegant
Zestyness sounds exciting- something only the adventurous achieve
Most of us preferring to stay with simple salt or pepper
They even have a soap with the name zest- and although it will dry you out- it smells heavenly
Much of life is seen from a distance- obscuring the true view
I don’t know much about photography but one thing I once read about it has stuck with me-there are no bad pictures just ones not taken close enough
Zooming in at just the right moment is the trick- staying focused on your subject- most importantly their essence or what you see as their essence
Not taking your eye off the hidden message the shot holds- just waiting to be captured and caught for all time
And zip lock bags- where shall I begin- life is so much better with a zip lock bag-
Completely serious- it makes life so much easier and tidy but not too tidy- you will have all those baggies sitting around or cluttering up your cabinets
But when you want a little something fresh and tasty- there it is just waiting for you to taste it’s freshness- making it easy to make the correct choice as you can see right through it- no surprises - you get exactly what you want
Now that zest might not be as good in those little see through bags- so make sure and package some things differently- the things that are unexpectedly delicate and close dated
Congratulations to all of you that participated in this year’s az challenge
May your days be filled with ideas and your pages full
Great job!!
And may I say a special thanks to my loyal blogger friend Betty- your encouragement kept me going!
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
I’ve written a couple of poems about yesterday
But today I keep coming back to this for my Y blog
And why- I’m not sure
Yesterday is gone they say but in a very real way it’s not- wouldn’t it be nice if some yesterdays were gone for good- never to be thought of again - only if we could redo the thing that holds the horrible consequences of some yesterdays
Sometimes yesterday is a comfort in retrospect- knowing it’s behind us and done with
Some things if you didn’t get to yesterday you can easily finish today or even tomorrow
But you’ll never know if it might have been better done yesterday
Yesterday we might have felt like doing whatever but today that feeling is missing somewhere in yesterday
Don’t let your yesterdays control your todays though- even yesterday wouldn’t want that
So plan for your future yesterdays- knowing that a sorrowful look back at yesterday is inevitable but a grateful heartfelt glimpse is always welcomed
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
X-ray of the heart
Yes there are many ways doctors have to view the heart
To see if it’s healthy- whether it needs medical attention
Our real secret heart does not have the ability to be seen or examined
God only truly knows our heart’s intentions and desires
Thank goodness right!
Keeping one’s heart soft is important and necessary for wholeness
A hard heart repels the light that seeks to enter and warm
“The heart is a lonely hunter”
But lonely can embrace a fragile heart or cut off the flow of life
An X-ray of the heart would only expose us to more pain and condemnation- which there is no more in Christ
And if the wrong person were to read the results- it could easily be misconstrued or unnecessarily corrected
So the heart doesn’t need an X-ray- only our careful watch over it and a healthy opening of it
To see if it’s healthy- whether it needs medical attention
Our real secret heart does not have the ability to be seen or examined
God only truly knows our heart’s intentions and desires
Thank goodness right!
Keeping one’s heart soft is important and necessary for wholeness
A hard heart repels the light that seeks to enter and warm
“The heart is a lonely hunter”
But lonely can embrace a fragile heart or cut off the flow of life
An X-ray of the heart would only expose us to more pain and condemnation- which there is no more in Christ
And if the wrong person were to read the results- it could easily be misconstrued or unnecessarily corrected
So the heart doesn’t need an X-ray- only our careful watch over it and a healthy opening of it
Monday, April 27, 2020
What do you Want
Isn’t it odd how we are asked that question so much in life— what do you want for dinner— what do you want to be when you grow up- what do you want from me!
As we grow and change and resign at times— we decide we want different things or mostly we settle for not we want but glad to not get what we don’t want
We can definitely be influenced in what we want- more like what we think everyone else wants- so it must be on our list too
Do we want things until we get them or do we get them only to discover we didn’t even know we wanted them
Do you want world peace or at the moment that last piece of chocolate fudge cake
Do you want what you can’t have
Do you want it if it takes much effort
What if we got everything we thought we wanted
Is there an end to want
And here’s one of those quotes for ya
“ you can’t always get what you want- but if you try sometimes-well you might find you get what you need”
Saturday, April 25, 2020
the Vegetable stand
Nothing feels more like summer to me than passing by a vegetable stand and better yet stopping
I love it all- the lush local tomatoes- the fragrant cantaloupes and the silky corn
And oh how I adore it when I can find butter beans that haven’t been shelled
And the homemade jams and jellies and if you’re lucky pickles!
The flowers and plants really catch my summer fever too— they always manage to have the most beautiful geraniums- which keep tempting me though I don’t have much luck with them
Visiting the vegetable stands makes me adventurous in my selections - but sadly sometimes they go home to rot
Oh how I love to come upon ones that have their own baked goods- some of them are almost like visiting a farmers market
I will never forget stopping by one of our favorite stands with two of our grandsons- letting them pick out flavored honey sticks and ice cold drinks- the soda pop kind- out of an old coke ice chest
I plan to stop in lots more this summer
And I hope it’s a hot day- with decorative flags flapping in the mild breeze
While I pick out all the colorful fruits and vegetables we can hopefully use
Possibly making a cobbler of those fat blackberries in those adorable cartons
Taking it all in as the cashier puts my purchases in a crisp brown bag
I might just have to eat one of the luscious peaches before I put my seatbelt back on
I love it all- the lush local tomatoes- the fragrant cantaloupes and the silky corn
And oh how I adore it when I can find butter beans that haven’t been shelled
And the homemade jams and jellies and if you’re lucky pickles!
The flowers and plants really catch my summer fever too— they always manage to have the most beautiful geraniums- which keep tempting me though I don’t have much luck with them
Visiting the vegetable stands makes me adventurous in my selections - but sadly sometimes they go home to rot
Oh how I love to come upon ones that have their own baked goods- some of them are almost like visiting a farmers market
I will never forget stopping by one of our favorite stands with two of our grandsons- letting them pick out flavored honey sticks and ice cold drinks- the soda pop kind- out of an old coke ice chest
I plan to stop in lots more this summer
And I hope it’s a hot day- with decorative flags flapping in the mild breeze
While I pick out all the colorful fruits and vegetables we can hopefully use
Possibly making a cobbler of those fat blackberries in those adorable cartons
Taking it all in as the cashier puts my purchases in a crisp brown bag
I might just have to eat one of the luscious peaches before I put my seatbelt back on
Friday, April 24, 2020
Used to
We are all guilty of things we hold onto - things we’ve gotten used to
Some are merely comforting habits
Like how I have my section of our sectional sofa- doesn’t feel right to sit anywhere else
The bathroom I prefer - and not just because it’s downstairs but lots of little things- its configuration - the way that particular toilet flushes- okay I’ll get off of that! Haha see what I did!!
I am used to the way I fold clothes- but I’ll let anyone do it their way - I’m not crazy
I’m used to my eight little dolls/animals sleeping with us
I’m also used to this weird blanket I recently bought- being on top of our comforter even though I don’t much like it—
I’m used to having a few peanut butter crackers before bed and my frozen waffles with cream cheese and sugar free strawberry jam for breakfast
I am very fond of my oversized Santa mug- using it everyday
Whatever brings us joy or consistency can become a used to thing
It’s a yearning in us to have things we can count on - things we can feel comfortable doing and things that don’t challenge us but are there waiting for us in soothing tones
And how remarkable the short time it takes to get used to it
Like do you find yourself on a week’s vacation- maybe telling someone else— that’s how we did this or that each day- it’s like we search for things to get used to
It’s a good thing we so easily adapt at what we are used to — cause like my mother often would tell us— “old man used to’s dead and gone”
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Teachable moments
With school being out - I know a lot of parents are worried about many aspects of their children’s life
They all mostly miss school- their teachers- their friends
Their routines- the parents’ freedom haha
I worry my grandkids won’t want to go back to school-
I also worry their goals won’t stay the same- but I know that doesn’t have to be a bad thing
I kinda worry for the school system- for some they have discovered learning at home is working for their family
And even the schools and universities just might realize they could be effective online
It is surely a time to teach new subjects and new ways to teach old ones
I’m sure lots of parents are getting a crash refresher course in many subjects
Which could lead them to a new occupation or interest
Our “regular” teachers are sure finding new and exciting ways to communicate and keep up with their students— I bet so many kids are only now realizing how much most teachers care about them
We can learn from anything and everything- and as we do let’s share the information like never before
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Saving things
Most of my life I have saved things— now I’m not a hoarder by any stretch of the imagination- no I am referring to saving things like my good clothes for church or that other special occasion
Now with nowhere to go and hardly anyone to see us - we are faced with the clothes staying in our closet or putting them on in our everyday use
Kinda hard for me— once again I refer to my grandmother Queenie— you would have thought my grandmother was incapable of looking good
But if you caught a glimpse of her on her way to church or a funeral- you might not have recognized her- as they say- she cleaned up real well!
I tend to wear the same few pairs of worn out black pants and a handful of roomy tops- the ones I can wear without the dreaded bra
But recently I’ve ventured into my closet- picking out a Sunday best outfit as an everyday frock
Now mind you I don’t only have my grandmother’s example
My mother mostly wore her “housecoat” around the house
I too would likely wear them if you could find them these days
I’m trying to tell myself- you don’t have to save this or that- and to remember if I do wear it - hey I can wash it right!
When I was a kid I used to beg my mother to let me wear my church shoes out to play and most days you would find me in an older dress when going out to explore or swing
I always looked forward to Easter time - in part because I knew I’d be getting new shoes and would have a few months I could wear my old good shoes every day before they wouldn’t fit
So obviously as a child I didn’t have that save it thing in my brain
These days should teach us this easy lesson if nothing else- don’t wait for tomorrow - use it today- wear it just because-
Heck the next time I actually see people I might just be wearing that bathing suit I always thought I would wear—
Okay I hear ya—- SAVE it please!
Now with nowhere to go and hardly anyone to see us - we are faced with the clothes staying in our closet or putting them on in our everyday use
Kinda hard for me— once again I refer to my grandmother Queenie— you would have thought my grandmother was incapable of looking good
But if you caught a glimpse of her on her way to church or a funeral- you might not have recognized her- as they say- she cleaned up real well!
I tend to wear the same few pairs of worn out black pants and a handful of roomy tops- the ones I can wear without the dreaded bra
But recently I’ve ventured into my closet- picking out a Sunday best outfit as an everyday frock
Now mind you I don’t only have my grandmother’s example
My mother mostly wore her “housecoat” around the house
I too would likely wear them if you could find them these days
I’m trying to tell myself- you don’t have to save this or that- and to remember if I do wear it - hey I can wash it right!
When I was a kid I used to beg my mother to let me wear my church shoes out to play and most days you would find me in an older dress when going out to explore or swing
I always looked forward to Easter time - in part because I knew I’d be getting new shoes and would have a few months I could wear my old good shoes every day before they wouldn’t fit
So obviously as a child I didn’t have that save it thing in my brain
These days should teach us this easy lesson if nothing else- don’t wait for tomorrow - use it today- wear it just because-
Heck the next time I actually see people I might just be wearing that bathing suit I always thought I would wear—
Okay I hear ya—- SAVE it please!
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
We all seem to have a bit more time for rest and reflection these days
Time to ponder life’s great mysteries and time to rearrange our living rooms
Isn’t it funny - all the things we told ourselves we wanted to do and would do if we had the time—- well—- you can finish that obvious thought
But now we should rest more- rest also boosts the immune system
It allows us to dream and regroup
And although some or most of those long neglected projects will still go unattended
You just might find you are really more interested in another project or direction
Some old dreams may have their time to resurface in a different direction
As we rest - we admit we are human and still childlike in areas and perhaps have been given a new chance to feed that little child in us
To offer the hope our day to day existence sometimes eats away
So rest when you can- rest your mind body and soul
Knowing that you will be okay along with the rest of us
Monday, April 20, 2020
I don’t typically do blogs like this one but I thought it might be kinda fun
Everyone has their favorite lines from movies that they love to quote- I know my family sure does!
But for today I’m gonna stick with song lines!
Some of our choices
1. There ain’t no future in the past
2. You can’t even run your own life I’ll be damned if you’ll run mine
3. Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose
4. And all your money won’t another minute buy
5. You gotta know when to hold em know when to fold em
6. Bet ya my golly wow
7. If I could save time in a bottle
8. You know it don’t come easy
9. Girls just wanna have fun
10. Who let the dogs out
I hope you recognize the songs these are taken from
What sticks with each of us is often something that resonates or maybe just a catchy turn of words and rhythms
Often with me it’s the pure message or the energy behind the stanza or line
In our families we all have people we quote and things we repeat through the generations -
The meanings only of interest or reference to that particular family
But songs and movies- history - the Bible- pop culture
Some stay- some fall by the fashion of time
What are some of your favorite quotes
And do you think one day anyone will be quoting you!
Saturday, April 18, 2020
We all need pauses in life- to capture our thoughts or change them
A pause can save a life even ours
A brief pause can help us make an important decision without regret of a hasty outcome
Pausing before speaking makes our words more thoughtful and able to convey the correct message
To pause is to choose to see - to act rather than react
If we pause long enough we may find we have gone in a new direction or tone
The pause both protects and strengthens us
We pause to pray - we pause to hear— we pause to release that last bit of deeply held breath
If we don’t pause we just might miss something beautiful and unexpected- a chance encounter or a random occurrence
Pausing can release you from failure or prepare you for it
Whatever causes you pause today- welcome it with gratefulness
Friday, April 17, 2020
Opposites - do they really attract?
I think my husband and I are fairly opposite
He’s an extrovert and well I’m not
He’s a bit of a procrastinator and I’m early to a fault- getting things I like to do or hate- over as fast as I possibly can
I think opposites that work- tend to mesh into some blend of each
But the ying and yang can work too- as long as they are kindred spirits
Like Lennon and McCartney or Martin and Lewis
I once read an article about self awareness or something like that— it said if you had a healthy view of yourself then you would want a best friend just like you
I can see that to a point- maybe a friend that only has your good sides
I wonder if we go looking for our opposite- or simply that we are drawn to what we think we are lacking in
What if we really aren’t that opposite from anyone- just different in certain areas—
I have a theory— the “opposites”- that don’t work out - might have been a reflection of what a person hates about themself— and simply can’t live with someone who is a constant challenge
Something like we tend to go back to what is comfortable
If opposites truly do attract then that does give hope to many searching for that soulmate
That maybe their soul could accept diversity and depth of understanding of another human being that begins as a complete stranger
Thursday, April 16, 2020
a Name is a Name ?
I’m thinking about all of my eight children and how we came to their names
The first one was after my father- there was much debate on the middle but I finally gave in and let Frank pick it— that child was called by his middle name until around 16 or so- he decided to go by a nickname of his first name
Second son was named after one of my favorite soap opera characters- with a middle name I stole from a good friend!
Third was after my mother and her favorite movie- gone with the wind
Fourth was after my grandmother and a friend- but she was called by a name suggested by a neighborhood kid!
Fifth was just because I liked the name - his middle name was a last minute change after my brother
Number six and seven were in my back to basic and old fashioned simple names- with number six’s middle name after her sister- and in part number seven was influenced by a popular children’s train character
And actually number eight was named by her two oldest brothers- first name after one of said brothers- middle after other brother’s favorite band!
Not sure where people are getting their name choices from these days— it seems to be a mixture of older ones and unusual ones
It’s very strange how you hear a name you’re never heard before- not even sure how to spell it then bam it’s everywhere and with unnumbered ways to spell it
I don’t think people tend to name kids after people as much now a days-
I remember one of my friends didn’t name her baby for about a week
So does a good name bring success- does a hard to pronounce one cause a child problems or make it feel unique
I guess it can be a kindness at times to have a nickname- as they aren’t always a shortened version but more of what people think of once they know you
I wonder if it might have been a better idea to keep each child’s middle name blank letting them pick it out when they are older
My name was going to be Nora Ellen- a name I’ve often fancied would have made all the difference
So is a rose still a rose
Perhaps— but could it have been a tulip had it been allowed to open enough
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
the quarantine Munchies
Honestly a lot of the junk food I will likely mention today started long before said quarantine
As many are unable to do too much to keep our minds off food - the quest for the satisfying treat of choice has become sort of a pastime
Whether it be sweet or savory- we are on the hunt
I know for us- right up there with the precious toilet paper and hand sanitizer— our household would not be complete without veggie straws -combos- and the beloved unappreciated bugles (only original of course!)
Sweets but lower in sugar content are a must- I’ve found a new respect for the animal cracker/ plain iced or chocolate
And pray tell me who the heck decided to discontinue those yummy cookie packs that little Caesar’s pizza used to give out!!
The lava cake had been a staple as has been my carb smart vanilla ice cream! And never ever ever be without your sugar free cool whip!
I think I am going to eat more popcorn— note to self- see if I can order one of those popcorn makers that use oil— really the way to go
And has anyone recently tried those surprisingly good osyter crackers- kids love them
The frozen family size entrees have proved to be very handy and something the stores don’t seem to be under stocked with
Try to avoid the chips and heavy stuff- cause we will all be leaving the house at some point— we don’t want all these delish coping items cost us a whole new wardrobe
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
My grandmother Queenie had an older sister- my great aunt Lily
She lived with my grandmother for all the time I knew her
She had suffered a stroke - sometime before I was born- the signs were still there as she had weakness on one side and always used a crutch
Funny I can’t be certain of the side but I want to say it was her left side
Lily never had children but my father was the apple of her eye- my dad even lived with her for a while- preferring to stay where he had lived with her and his parents before they built a new home just down the road
For some reason she had a real soft spot for me— I always thought I was her favorite niece
As I was a bit ill behaved she would say to me as our visit was over “ try to be good love”
And I did— when tempted not to I could hear her words and sometimes they would stop me
She would have a Hershey chocolate bar for each of us when we left and would sneak me a dollar most times
I remember her long back rubs she would give me as everyone visited on the front porch
I remember how her voice sounded muffled and vibrating as my head lay in her lap
Because of her stroke she was always cold - she’d be wearing her thick white sweater-
As we arrived for our visits - there she would be sitting in her chair right next to the wood burning cook stove— actually I would get a glimpse of her as i started up the stairs- she was watching through the window smiling happily
Every child should be so fortunate to have someone like aunt Lily in their life- their childhood- someone who when you recall them - you remember how they made you feel important and most of all unconditionally loved
Monday, April 13, 2020
Right now we all need a little more kindness and an ability to see the places that can use our simple kindnesses
It’s easy to feel we need to protect our own interests and to fear the stretch outwards will deplete our limited supply
A phone call - a card- a prayer- a distancing visit— a delivery
And just not judging one another is an underestimated gift to others
Listening is of value like never before
And educating one’s self is a must- trying not to speak too quickly about our opinions and distance advice
Share the fun stuff when you can- your easy recipe— perhaps a song old nanny had written long ago
Yes I did that with my grandkids- if they thought they were awful- they hid it very well— I’m sure it took them by surprise- occupying them for at least an afternoon
This is the time to put yourself out and out there
To extend every and any kindness you would like yourself
Don’t do it for this but it does come back to you in the most unexpected ways
Saturday, April 11, 2020
the Joy ride
We like to go riding- there has been much joy in our weekly “pizza quest “
That is something we started way back when our little angels were with us
We still continue the tradition
As a matter of fact our family has spent many happy times just riding together in the car
Sometimes they had a purpose- like trying to find that old house or Frank taking my oldest son back to his university most weekends- his brother joining in— with chili dogs promised and Beastie Boys blasting— I never went but have held the picture in my heart’s eye
They say the real trip is the journey or something like that
And I certainly know that to be true
I remember one time heading out of state for one of Robyn’s dance competitions— listening with tears in my eyes as Glen Campbell sang my favorite “Galveston”
Knowing I would forever recall that moment
I’ve always liked being in the car— eating in the car - and daydreaming as the trees went by and the houses looked cozy
Playing my game in my head- whose house is this- something I may explain in another post
Simple things stay in my heart and soul- and not much rivals the family joy rides
Friday, April 10, 2020
In search of the Ice cream cone
The other day we went through the drive-thru at our local McDonald’s
We were so looking forward to that soft serve vanilla ice cream but in a cone mind you
As we are ordering- the young man says -“ we can’t sell ice cream cones any longer”- my husband asked why - he informs us that it is not a contained food- he does not offer us the ice cream in a cup- only a milkshake— which btw has a whole lot more sugar— we politely pass on the milkshakes
We decide it must just be this one - after all they are each a franchise
We travel down the street
We order through the speaker- holding out hope for the beloved cones— he says the same thing but does say we can have our soft serve delicacy in a cup-we eagerly agree
As the second window employee is handling our cups of ice cream he sneezes and coughs- trying to capture it in his shirt poor thing
Frank is reaching for the tray when I apologize that we cannot take those cups of ice cream from him
I assure him it is not his fault and to please be well and safe
His manager comes to the window- she offers to make us new ones— by now I’m telling Frank “just go go!”
My husband is hesitant because he has paid for them— under my breath I tell him he better not ask for his money back!
I let them know again- so sorry it’s not you it’s us!
We drive off- knowing there’s an ironic lesson here but sure missing that ice cream
Thursday, April 9, 2020
I wrestled with the thought of hope
What it meant- how to share it
Was it something that I need invent or not a tangible thing
Would I recognize the lack of hope or the weakening release of it
Could it be that hope increases without effort somehow appearing at the destitute moments
Why would we ever choose to be without it
As I sank into this desperate search to understand the meaning of hope- I paused to check if it was still there around me
And as I tried to feel its presence- I realized it was beyond my power
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
First- yes I titled this blog post grandmal— that’s what we called both of my grandmothers
It seems I’ve written much about my grandmother Queenie but not a lot about my mother’s mother- my grandmal Miller
My grandmother was an RN - which was really unusual in those days
I remember her white nurse’s dress- white stockings and shoes and her neat little nurse’s cap
She was a tall woman and sturdy built- in her uniform she could be quite intimidating
But what I think more about her is the way she cooked and her great love of fixing a meal for anyone that happened to come by
Her fried chicken could rival kfc and her chicken chow mein could stand up to any Asian restaurant
Including the sticky rice
She had a soft heart and a forgiving spirit like no other I knew-
We grandchildren took great pleasure in teasing her- she had a funny way of saying certain words- like coconut and pizza pie- it would send us into laughter - to which she would say “ I would rather someone spit in my face than to laugh at me “— to which we would laugh even harder
She loved her flowers— fishing— her soap operas- or rather her “stories “
She nursed one of her many sisters in her home and my grandfather- she had a true servant’s heart
As I think of her I can’t help but see her as I would approach her porch - where I could see through her door straight through her shotgun house- sitting at her dining room table playing herself at scrabble - and probably still cheating
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
my Father
I don’t know that this may be of much interest to the reader but I found myself wanting to write about my father anyway
Of course I’ve given my father much thought during these last few months and maybe more since his recent death
I find that I try and remember little things about my dad- for instance- my dad only ate the runny yoke of an egg- using his dry toast to soak it up- I always thought it was pretty disgusting but now find the vivid memory a colorful simple reminder
My dad rarely wore shorts and didn’t care too much for the beach- although we went every summer- leaving on a Thursday and returning on Sunday- always after attending the local church that early morning
My father stopped smoking years ago— but before he quit completely he would allow himself three cigarettes a day-one after each meal
He didn’t talk much— I would have to say- the first year or so after his dementia appeared- we talked more than all the other years combined
He was tight with a dollar and once gave a robber only half what was in his wallet
My father hardly ever complained and it wasn’t until I was grown I realized my daddy never did like his work
My dad would read his newspaper cover to cover but didn’t care much for reading books
My father loved bridge mix candy and would always get himself a small bag of it on our weekend trips to Sears and Roebuck
Although he grew up in the country with a big garden and lots of chickens— he didn’t care for any of that— and even being a good Baptist- he did not like chicken
So many memories so many feelings but I think I will forever see my dad through my childhood eyes and hold him there always
Of course I’ve given my father much thought during these last few months and maybe more since his recent death
I find that I try and remember little things about my dad- for instance- my dad only ate the runny yoke of an egg- using his dry toast to soak it up- I always thought it was pretty disgusting but now find the vivid memory a colorful simple reminder
My dad rarely wore shorts and didn’t care too much for the beach- although we went every summer- leaving on a Thursday and returning on Sunday- always after attending the local church that early morning
My father stopped smoking years ago— but before he quit completely he would allow himself three cigarettes a day-one after each meal
He didn’t talk much— I would have to say- the first year or so after his dementia appeared- we talked more than all the other years combined
He was tight with a dollar and once gave a robber only half what was in his wallet
My father hardly ever complained and it wasn’t until I was grown I realized my daddy never did like his work
My dad would read his newspaper cover to cover but didn’t care much for reading books
My father loved bridge mix candy and would always get himself a small bag of it on our weekend trips to Sears and Roebuck
Although he grew up in the country with a big garden and lots of chickens— he didn’t care for any of that— and even being a good Baptist- he did not like chicken
So many memories so many feelings but I think I will forever see my dad through my childhood eyes and hold him there always
Monday, April 6, 2020
As the years are creeping up on me I have given a substantial amount of thought to eternity and heaven
Now mind you I am not trying to get into spiritual beliefs in this brief entry but more a thought I’ve had about heaven and what we may be able to do there
I was wondering if we might be permitted to enter any given day in our lives- probably only the good days or memories
That we could live it over again or just watch it like a movie
Or relive it and make a change here or there
Or see something we missed in that memorable day or event-something that could have altered many factors
Almost like a game revealing the great mystery of our lives
I wonder too if we can watch moments in our families story- like weddings of people before us
I hope if we want we can enter those bad days and change the story
Not like then it will matter- but because we want to
Saturday, April 4, 2020
these Dreams
If you know me or my blog you will know I have certain dreams- ones that I dream all the time- a few dreams that seem to be a forewarning and some that actually later come true
I recently had a dream that was disturbing to say the least
So troubling that I sent what I could recall of the dream to my sister who was in the dream
I asked her if it meant anything to her but it did not
It involved people coming after me and watching me
There was a pizza place in the city where I live— my father and a baby seat that went in circles
Embedded on a card that came with the seat was a movie I could watch
In the movie or more like a family home video- my sister was having a birthday party or perhaps a baby shower
This old baby seat had been (in my dream) a gift that hadn’t gotten to my sister- from like 30-40 years before
I know there was much more in the dream that I couldn’t remember-
Oh and if you are already a reader you may be interested to know that the “third floor” dreams are alive and well
Friday, April 3, 2020
the Census
A few years ago I started searching my family history - I really didn’t get as much information as I thought I would- for the most part if you didn’t have the right questions you wouldn’t get far
One bit of history revealed a mystery to this day
It came from an old census of my grandmother’s family
It seems there was a sister my grandmother had — she only appears in two years census and at the last one she was nine years old
When I discovered this - there was virtually no one to ask about who she was and what had happened to her
My father who was already losing much of his short term memory— still had a great deal of his long term memory— as I inquired if he remembered any stories about what would have been his aunt— he had no recognition of her
Her name was in one was Fannie but the other one listed her as Tunnie- which I assumed was perhaps a nickname
We visited the church cemetery where much of her family is buried- no sign of Tunnie
I wondered if she might have been buried on her parents property which was not in our family any longer
this summer I’m thinking of going to the place where her house once stood and try and find some marker or grave
Had it not been for that old old census record I would have never known of little Tunnie but now she is forever in my heart
Thursday, April 2, 2020
The blackberry cobbler
I’ve mentioned my grandmother’s blackberry cobbler before — it’s calling to me this morning
It’s not just the wonderful deliciousness of it but the feelings and memories it evokes
My grandmother’s cobbler was accompanied by a creamy warm lemon sauce- mostly I enjoyed it by itself
On a clear look back I really have to say it was not my favorite dessert my grandmother made
But one that captures the essence of that sweet time in my life
I’ve never made it myself but have tried to recapture it’s moments through various frozen imposters and some rather good bakery attempts
Maybe if the bees are buzzing just right and the wind catches the allure of the honeysuckle
If uncle Elwin were there chewing on a toothpick while my boys were making that old porch swing creak
And if I could go back and was offered my choice of sweet endings to my dinner- perhaps I’d pick the blackberry cobbler over all the other cakes and pies - and when my grandmother asked about the lemon sauce I’d say oh yes please
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Hello again blogging world- good to be with you for another az challenge -I must admit after participating last year I haven’t written much
My word today after- reflects my moods and thought patterns lately
My 95 years old father died March 1st - it was expected but the situation that brought him to that place was kind of sudden
After his funeral- I just knew there would be plenty of time for thoughtful reminiscing and insightful memories of his life and our relationship
But as all of us know- something else crept into our existence recently that has taken much of our time and energy— clouding up any ideas we may have had about anything else
Of course I think of and miss my father and I’m grateful that he passed away far enough from this global tragedy- to allow people to congregate and mourn his passing at least for some amount of time
In our minds we put endings on much of life- after this after some waiting occasion or ordeal— we will deal with certain things or allow ourselves to breathe a sigh of effort out
After all what is life but one moment after another - one second of complete joy two seconds of darkness— all in rotating splendor of the brevity of after
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