Saturday, April 4, 2020

these Dreams

If you know me or my blog you will know I have certain dreams- ones that I dream all the time- a few dreams that seem to be a forewarning and some that actually later come true

I recently had a dream that was disturbing to say the least
So troubling that I sent what I could recall of the dream to my sister who was in the dream
I asked her if it meant anything to her but it did not

It involved people coming after me and watching me
There was a pizza place in the city where I live— my father and a baby seat that went in circles
Embedded on a card that came with the seat was a movie I could watch

In the movie or more like a family home video- my sister was having a birthday party or perhaps a baby shower

This old baby seat had been (in my dream) a gift that hadn’t gotten to my sister- from like 30-40 years before

I know there was much more in the dream that I couldn’t remember-

Oh and if you are already a reader you may be interested to know that the “third floor” dreams are alive and well


  1. Interesting dream. I know we need to dream as part of our sleep cycle but I never know what to make of them. My husband often as dreams with snakes in them and he takes that as a forewarning of things. My dreams usually involve things I am trying to process through.


  2. That’s interesting- it sounds like your dreams a kinda straight forward and helpful!

  3. I rarely remember dreams. So many are vivid and frankly disconcerting so I am glad I don't. I'll have to flip through your blog for your dream stories.

    1. Oh I hope you do!! I can’t remember for sure but the third floor dream post may be in the first or second year I did the challenge!
