Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Saving things

Most of my life I have saved things— now I’m not a hoarder by any stretch of the imagination- no I am referring to saving things like my good clothes for church or that other special occasion

Now with nowhere to go and hardly anyone to see us - we are faced with the clothes staying in our closet or putting them on in our everyday use

Kinda hard for me— once again I refer to my grandmother Queenie— you would have thought my grandmother was incapable of looking good

But if you caught a glimpse of her on her way to church or a funeral- you might not have recognized her- as they say- she cleaned up real well!

I tend to wear the same few pairs of worn out black pants and a handful of roomy tops- the ones I can wear without the dreaded bra

But recently I’ve ventured into my closet- picking out a Sunday best outfit as an everyday frock
Now mind you I don’t only have my grandmother’s example
My mother mostly wore her “housecoat” around the house
I too would likely wear them if you could find them these days

I’m trying to tell myself- you don’t have to save this or that- and to remember if I do wear it - hey I can wash it right!

When I was a kid I used to beg my mother to let me wear my church shoes out to play and most days you would find me in an older dress when going out to explore or swing
I always looked forward to Easter time - in part because I knew I’d be getting new shoes and would have a few months I could wear my old good shoes every day  before they wouldn’t fit

So obviously as a child I didn’t have that save it thing in my brain

These days should teach us this easy lesson if nothing else- don’t wait for tomorrow - use it today- wear it just because-

Heck the next time I actually see people I might just be wearing that bathing suit I always thought I would wear—
Okay I hear ya—- SAVE it please!


  1. My mom used to have her "going out" clothes and her "staying at home" clothes and I realize I have the same too. I might dress up these days one day at home just because :)


    1. Same here- I’ve been wearing my Sunday best at least on some Saturdays😍
