Tuesday, April 21, 2020


We all seem to have a bit more time for rest and reflection these days
Time to ponder life’s great mysteries and time to rearrange our living rooms

Isn’t it funny - all the things we told ourselves we wanted to do and would do if we had the time—- well—- you can finish that obvious thought

But now we should rest more- rest also boosts the immune system
It allows us to dream and regroup

And although some or most of those long neglected projects will still go unattended
You just might find you are really more interested in another project or direction

Some old dreams may have their time to resurface in a different direction

As we rest - we admit we are human and still childlike in areas and perhaps have been given a new chance to feed that little child in us

To offer the hope our day to day existence sometimes eats away

So rest when you can- rest your mind body and soul
Knowing that you will be okay along with the rest of us


  1. I agree that we need to rest, perhaps more these days. So much uncertainty can be taxing.


    1. It is!!! I hope people will not panic and take plenty of good naps’
