Saturday, April 18, 2020


We all need pauses in life- to capture our thoughts or change them
A pause can save a life even ours

A brief pause can help us make an important decision without regret of a hasty outcome

Pausing before speaking makes our words more thoughtful and able to convey the correct message
To pause is to choose to see - to act rather than react

If we pause long enough we may find we have gone in a new direction or tone
The pause both protects and strengthens us

We pause to pray - we pause to hear— we pause to release that last bit of deeply held breath

If we don’t pause we just might miss something beautiful and unexpected- a chance encounter or a random occurrence

Pausing can release you from failure or prepare you for it
Whatever causes you pause today- welcome it with gratefulness


  1. Good thoughts on pausing. I think one of my favorite scriptures is from Psalm 46. To be still and know he is God. Pausing for that is a great thing to do these days.


  2. I believe pausing is important as well. For me it's one of the easiest ways to stay grounded, connected, and mindful. And I think in this time of sequestering, we as a collective are learning a great deal about pausing. Hopefully it will continue to serve us well.

  3. Yup.
    Sometimes I pause before replying to certain Facebook or Twitter posts. Just pause and consider if my words could make it better.

    I nominated you for a Blogging Liebster Award on my blog. I picked people who are on the #atozchallenge list.

  4. Thank you so much!
    Yes we need to pause a lot on Facebook!

  5. I am trying to teach Youngest to pause.... mainly before emailing his teachers about his frustration over an assignment. Often, in his haste, he makes it so much worse than it needs to be and lately it's become things he can't fix.

    1. I can relate!! I think that kinda wisdom of pausing comes with age!
