Saturday, April 25, 2020

the Vegetable stand

 Nothing feels more like summer to me than passing by a vegetable stand and better yet stopping

I love it all- the lush local tomatoes- the fragrant cantaloupes and the silky corn

And oh how I adore it when I can find butter beans that haven’t been shelled

And the homemade jams and jellies and if you’re lucky pickles!

The flowers and plants really catch my summer fever too— they always manage to have the most beautiful geraniums- which keep tempting me though I don’t have much luck with them

Visiting the vegetable stands makes me adventurous in my selections - but sadly sometimes they go home to rot

Oh how I love to come upon ones that have their own baked goods- some of them are almost like visiting a farmers market

I will never forget stopping by one of our favorite stands with two of our grandsons- letting them pick out flavored honey sticks and ice cold drinks- the soda pop kind- out of an old coke ice chest

I plan to stop in lots more this summer
And I hope it’s a hot day-  with decorative flags flapping in the mild breeze
While I pick out all the colorful fruits and vegetables we can hopefully use
Possibly making a cobbler of those fat blackberries in those adorable cartons

Taking it all in as the cashier puts my purchases in a crisp brown bag
I might just have to eat one of the luscious peaches before I put my seatbelt back on


  1. Oh gosh, now I want to find a vegetable stand to visit! Its been awhile since I've been to one or even really seen one in this area. Will have to do some investigating later in the summer.


    1. We have a few around us- I love seeing them when we go to the beach or the mountains!
