Thursday, April 29, 2021


 I think in some of the past az  challenges I have used the letter Y to do a poem on yesterday- so I thought I would try once again 

If yesterday was my friend- I would invite it in- to stay a while and visit with me 

I would ask it questions that only yesterday could dare answer and I would listen intently for clues of the future 

If yesterday was my friend and came to see me I wouldn’t straighten up the house- I would open the door eagerly not trying to gather up all the clutter of the day

I would hope along with them and reminisce about the good old days and add a touch of comfort for the dark ones

If yesterday stayed too long I wouldn’t have the heart to ask it to leave- for where would it go

If yesterday was here with me now- I’d appreciate it like never before- I would hang on each syllable of time it represented- and perhaps we would yearn together 


  1. Beautifully written and I do remember your previous yesterday poems; all equally good!


    1. Awww thanks so much Betty- I can’t tell you how much I’ve appreciated your support!!❤️
