Friday, April 6, 2012

f- forever young

there are things and or experiences in our lives, that seem frozen in time, that we see the same way when we remember them-but if we were to truly go back and experience them, after the passage of time would they be the same---

each year, each day changes us--we aren't the same person, not really---and that is certainly not a bad thing, most times---they say we can always be young at heart, but our hearts are aging with each beat and each bowl  of ice-cream, we so look forward to just before bed--

so what does forever young mean anyway----does it mean it is a state of mind-----that too is growing old and sometimes stagnating ----but even the sharpest of intellects is headed toward the decline--

does this depress, you--that is not my intent--

my mother's birthday is today---when i think of her, i hardly ever think of her as she was the last few years of her life---or even the last twenty or so--

i see her as she was when i was a teenager----she seemed very old to me then----but the image of her then now, is as a youthful mom ---forever young in my memory?----but that probably would not be her image of forever young--

as i thought of today's subject, this concept kept returning to me-----past present and future are all the same--each past has been just that and then a present and finally a future-----and so on for each------maybe i was just tired or something---but it all seemed to be kinda new to me-----like each new question, just might have the beginnings of a vague answer-

so i leave you with one last thought for today---would you want to be forever young---and whose young would you be----

(this post is dedicated to my dear mother on her birthday--young or old --we miss you<3)


  1. What a wonderfully thoughtful post. You could go around in circles trying to answer questions like that though. I do worry that I'm aging and I'm trying to go forward and make sure I do the things I want to do, so I don't wake up one day, incapable of doing them and having regrets.

    1. thank you rebecca and it can make you dizzy :)

  2. My father just passed this past Feb and when I think of him, I think of him as he was when I was a teenager. I think there came a time when he stopped looking older, he just sort of stayed the same.

    No, I would not want to be forever young, I want to learn how to age gracefully and with pride. I also want to look the part when my grandchildren come. No one wants a young grandma!

    Nice post :)

    1. i am sorry for your loss zebsmom---and yes no one wants a young grandma, except maybe grandpa :)

  3. on the edge of 50, I can't believe how I got here, and yes, I look back and would love to be 330-something again. II would not want to be 15 or 20-something, as I remember those ages as insecure. I hope to grow old gracefully, but...what can I say. I'd even be thrilled to turn 40 again and I was depressed with THAT #!

  4. happy birthday to your mom; I know she is no longer with you, but I know she is on your heart all days, but especially on special days like her birthday. We always miss them, no matter how many years they are gone.

    Interesting concept about forever young. I did like your line about each day changes us; I just started a new book where the author says every event does change us, every death changes us, every heart break changes us, etc so your words helped reinforce what she was saying, it is true, we are constantly changing, even if we aren't fond of change (me).

    Forever young. I liked how I looked at 32, but I like the wisdom God is giving me as I'm getting older, so I'm not sure.....Something to really think about today...

    I hope the day is a kind one for you


    1. what a nice comment--thanks so much corgi---i would love to read your book when you finish--it sounds very intriguing!

  5. You have very insightful posts, Lynn.

    I lost several peers and friends as a teenager due to tragic accidents. The phrase (and song) "forever young" makes me remember how they never had a chance to grow up. I never thought about taking it less literally and thinking about keeping someone young in our minds. Thank you for this interpretation.

  6. I'm sorry you lost your mom, Lynn. Happy birthday to her! :)
    I would not want to be forever young. I like who I am so much more now than when I was a teen or in my 20s. Getting old scares me because death scares me, but I feel more youthful now at 44 than I did at 25.

    1. thank you! that's really great you feel so youthful :)

  7. This did bring a tear to my eye. I lost my mother when I was 27 to Pancreatic Cancer. I still miss her; she never lived to see my second son, see me graduate from college, and have a happy second marriage. As for me, I would like to look younger. I think we miss those we lost, not so much for our loss, but for the fact that they will never see another sunset, feel the wind on their face and enjoy happy moments with their families.

    1. i am so sorry for your loss and you were so young--thanks for sharing :)

  8. A truly wonderful post. And you have a way of writing that is so addictive. :)

    mmh would I want to be forever young? This reminds me of Mel Gibson movie. :) No, I wouldn't forever is such a long time. At one point one needs a rest. But keeping the ones we love in our heart and mind, fresh memories and forever young, thats a wonderful way of looking at it. :) Makes us stronger

  9. wow thanks cecilia,what a wonderful compliment---and i so agree with we all needing rest!

  10. Forever young to me means being able to laugh and have fun. So, yes, I would like to be forever young.

  11. great way of looking at it sherry!

  12. I know what you mean. Mom has been gone for just over three years now. Although I still hold that final image of her, sadly, most of my memories are of her younger years, full of life and very independent.

  13. You really hooked me in. This was beautifully paced, personal, and lovely. Thank you for such a nice post. Even thought I am young (27) I still think back to times in my life when I was younger and the "most free." But when I focus on those times too long- I lose the glory of now. Maybe forever young and young at heart are connected some how.

    1. you sound very wise patty---so true about "losing the glory now"---thanks for the kind words:)

  14. I always imagine my mom younger too. She's still active and young at heart, though!

  15. that's a great thing on both accounts!

  16. I'm forever young at heart, so it doesnt bother me to age. I wouldn't wish to be forever young in body.

  17. This is a very sweet post dedication.

    You know what, I think in maturity I'm going backwards. I have always been so serious, and I'm not doing it anymore. :)


  18. Love the posting and especially with the song to go with it. I did have to laugh a little because of those late night infomercials promising this.

  19. I don't worry about ageing as I feel eighteen inside. Just the body gets a wee bit tired these days.

    Keep smiling ;-)

  20. haha mine is just a tad more than wee bit :)

  21. Beautiful song. I wouldn't mind if my body would stop aging so fast but I would like to keep the little bit of wisdom I've gained along with my wrinkles.

  22. well i might give up a little of my great wisdom haha in trade for maybe not the loss of my wrinkles--cause my fat has protected me somewhat from too many of them---but maybe a little less sagging in all the wrong places---oh wait, there probably isn't any good place to sag, is it :)

  23. Well I think it would be great for a while but eventually it would start to 'get old', but oh what I wouldn't give to have my current mind in my 20 yr old body!

  24. haha now that sounds good to me too!

  25. Another great, thoughtful post! I don't think I'd like to be "forever young"...regardless of the definition. I like the adventure that growing older presents (despite the added wrinkles and additional aches getting out of bed in the morning).

  26. This was so thoughtful.. I too think of my mom as younger than she is. She will always be 36 in my mind..

  27. A fascinating question, Lynn. I don't think I'd want to be forever young if everyone around me was growing older. It's a bit creepy to think how that would play out.

  28. Forever young? Not sure. I wonder if it would get old? Maybe. A great question. Bless you and your mother on her special day. Lovely post.

  29. yes i probably would -thanks for the well wishes :)

  30. What a great post and really makes me think. I have already outlived my mother, she passed at age 62. I feel younger than I think she did when she was in her 40's. So many variables. Do I feel almost 65? No way, at least not most days. LOL! I still ride my motorcycle, have done ziplines and hope to sky dive in June. Young is definitely a state of mind...

  31. what a great way to feel--you are for sure forever young!

  32. Young at heart until my heart gives out. I'm singing Rod Stewart's "Forever Young" in my head right now.

    Play off the Page
