Tuesday, April 25, 2023


#AtoZChallenge 2023

 The value of things changes in our lives- what really is important to us shifts and other things move into more value and so on

What one day holds our hearts may differ as our individual lives grow and often times when it doesn’t appear our lives are in a good place 

Some things retain their value although to us they don’t offer the level of need or want they once did

Do we attempt to share things we value- such as our money and sometimes more valuable- our time

If we find it hard to value certain friendships- we can find they no longer exist

If we don’t value the lessons we learn along the way- we can all too often fall back in our journey 

So maybe if we try and identify what we truly value it will become clearest to our spirit just what and who we actually value 

*I don’t know how I got one step out of order so I am posting twice today


  1. Great choice of word for V! Here from the A-Z and enjoyed your post. All the best.

    1. Thanks so much- I am just able to respond- last year for some reason I was having a difficult time responding- thanks for reading!
