Monday, April 25, 2022


 I had a little trouble with this letter - until landing on this one- 

Until is like a pause- maybe an excuse- or perhaps a promise of good things to come

We often hear- wait until- or don’t wait until it’s too late

Until holds out many conditions at times 

It leaves one stuck behind the eight ball of until 

Is it an excuse or an unobtainable time that never existed 

It can be a threat of sorts or simply a mark in any said event or goal

Is until an actual place- more like a noun- I guess only the user of this powerful ambivalent utterance would know 


  1. Until ants wear pants ...i remember this which many used to write in slam books...which meant until forever

    Good reminder of a word that has much prominence in conversations:)

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

  2. It is one of those words that bring a lot of different perspectives to it.


    1. Yes - quite a wide range for a kinda small word!!
