Thursday, April 28, 2022


 Honestly I’m getting kinda lazy- I didn’t even take the time to research this- freshly- I have before 

Hey we all understand when we get to this letter huh

The x in Xmas is sometimes explained as a symbol of the cross

I’m okay with that - but I get why people are upset by it - omitting Christ- 

Now I’m getting kinda stuck- I might just stop here and go do a little more research - naw - wish I had picked X-ray or what’s the other one?

See this letter even has me using question marks

But seriously if someone wants to use Xmas instead of Christmas- I’m not going to get too upset- unless I do find out it means something I had not realized 

Hey I’ve warned y’all I’m not a serious writer- there’s too much work in that- 

And dare I admit I’m always confused about the xo thing- You know like which is the hug and which is the kiss


  1. Hahaha confusions of letter's always an unknown entity isn't it? Am also not aware of x on x mas . I think x in xoox means hug (Arms?)

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

  2. x I think is the hug and o is the kiss, I think?? I am lazy to go and research it, but I'm thinking the early church when they started celebrating Christmas it was okay by them to use the XMas too, something maybe with a cross symbol? But again I'm too lazy to look it up :) Only 2 more letters to go! Hang in there!


  3. I've always written Christmas, but I've seen it spelt with an X. Yeah, X is always a fun letter...not! It's fun reading what other do with the letter though, some are pretty cleaver.

  4. Its Xmas for me on the AtoZ this year... It was the easy way out especially after Q and Y posts.
