Wednesday, April 3, 2019

2 C words

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge
Caution and confession have been rolling around in my brain-- truthfully caution just came to me but yesterday I was pretty sure I would write about confessions

I am a cautious person in many ways and in so many ways a risk taker
It seems to be the smaller things in life that lead me to be quite cautious

I would suggest you be cautious in your use of caution

On to confessions- a little story

Years ago- I was in high school - my parents and brother were out of town
I was home alone-- except for the 100 some people who came over for a party
I had not planned for that many-- okay back to writing with more honesty

I had put out the word and knew full well it would be most of the school!

Anyway after the big weekend as I was cleaning everything up I noticed a small hole under one of the cushions on the formal living room sofa

Oh wow- I had figured some one had dropped a cigarette--

Days went by-- months-- then years--
Finally I confessed to my mother that somehow I may have been responsible for that hole

She laughed and said "no that hole was there when we got it"

I don't remember if i told her then about the party but I did tell my parents -- by that time I think they were pretty battle weary- so not much was said

The moral of this story -- be very cautious with your confessions


  1. Oh how I bet you fretted and worried that you would be discovered. How cute with the way it worked out! So true, one must be cautious with their confessions. Sometimes not confessing, especially if not a "serious" offense can be a good thing.


  2. So true-- I still can't believe the neighbors didn't call the police on my party or at least tell my parents 😉
