Friday, July 26, 2019
Ode to summer
As I sit here sipping my second cup of coffee with pumpkin spice creamer I feel a little sad
I started to blog yesterday about my memories of summertime - I had trouble logging in so I didn't blog
What a difference a day makes
Yesterday I was going to lament about my sweet thoughts of peach picking with my grandmother
Trips to a trailer park to retrieve a lady's things- as she was moving in with us for a time-- good and bad recollections of that but always a shining memory of my child person
Climbing into the tiny house trailer-- sitting on the small hard sofa-- thinking how great it was and wondering why anyone would choose to leave such an enchanting place
But today the pumpkin spice is reminding me of the brevity of each season
And scolding me how I have hated summer in the past and rushed it away before it's time
A little ache is in my throat as summer seems to be waving goodbye
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
The Zipline of life

I was thinking how life's journey could be compared to the thrill and terror of a trip down a zipline
Sometimes it's exciting-- you get to see things from a different perspective
The way life goes by in a blink-- how you have to hold on for dear life
How your feet aren't always gonna stay on the ground
Sometimes life takes our breath away-- we forget to breathe or we realize our breathing is shallow
We miss some pretty important views -- but up there we get so much more of the whole picture
And even though we might come through with various cuts and scraps-- we most likely unstrap ourselves to find the ride was definitely worth it
Monday, April 29, 2019

Although the definition lends itself to something you long for -- when I hear the word I think of a painful almost regretful feeling
I guess it is a longing to change things in the past and intense desire for something in the present or future
To me it doesn't sound hopeful but woeful--- like a bitter memory or experience
For sure there is passion behind some yearnings but I tend to see and feel an emptiness - a forlorn look back
Yearning represents the aching to go back - to change that result or to reach out and grab that lost opportunity
I'm not sure why I envision the past with the word yearning - it just seems to scream loss to me
Saturday, April 27, 2019

What if an x-ray could see the soul- our intent our darkness
If it illuminated our purposes and our desires
Of course it would only be helpful if the physician could do something to heal our inner failures
Something they could give us to cure all of our demons
Our bones and organs are fair game to all the scrutiny of the techninians and specialists
It's a silly thought perhaps but how helpful it might be if by shining a light on our soul deformities we could rearrange the core of our existence
Friday, April 26, 2019

We all desire wisdom- insight-- pearls of it - words of it and years to gain it
Several years ago my daughter Robyn recorded much of a day with my dad-- listening to him tell stories and family orders as we took a day to drive him and mom around their childhood places
I wish we had done this with my mother before most of her mind was stolen by Alzheimer's
Mom had kept a story of sorts -- about some aspects of the family
But there are so many unanswered mysteries
As reseaching our ancestry I found out my grandmother had an older sister -- she died quite young-- I didn't remember hearing anything about her-- my dad doesn't know either- his mind now has the same thief as my mother
I've always thought I would make a documentary-- there have been many subjects I have contemplated tackling
One of them involved my church- basically picking those older members brains
Much of that population has left us and with their passing- the chance to gain their great wisdom
So if we are to be wise we must learn to listen and hear that invaluable wisdom that comes from living
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Okay don't get nervous-- I will admit I have not been a huge fan of them at times
Now I'm not an anti vax proponent but I'm not unagreeable to listening to the other side- and have studied much concerning this huge subject through the years
Several of my children were unable to receive certain vaccins due to their neurological conditions
But the leariness and cautious approach started with my healthy first born
He was just a couple of months old-- his dr checkup included his first inoculation--
That night he ran an extremely high fever
Also that night the national news was a buzz with a horrible story
Seems the exact vaccine that my son had gotten was responsible for sick babies and as I can recall at least 1 or 2 deaths
Some of the supply had been tainted-- I was frantic-- his pediatrician assured me his vial could not have been affected
So I'm sure this rude awakening to error and the times of purposeful tampering of all kinds of meds and foods fed my fears and encouraged my many questions through these years
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Some things possibly could be useless
Most things are not
I suppose looking backwards too much might appear useless but what if we discover something new in that glance back- perhaps a great mystery solved
Is it useless to worry - the Bible tells us it is-- I guess it can even be called a useless sin
Some items that once served a great purpose have become obsolete useless
One that doesn't always go with the flow of the masses opinion of a life that holds
value-- can be deemed useless
Why is it after we've given all we have to someone or tried our best at a task only to reach suspected failure-- that we finally proclaim it's useless
Was it? What became of the energy that went into that great trial that didn't seem to work out-- isn't all of that effort still there inside of you- proving nothing is useless
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Taking a risk

Used to be I took lots of risks-- most of the time it didn't even seem like they were risks just dreams and hopes
There are certain areas in my life where people would definitely say I took risks-- they may be looking at it wrong- sometimes life looks like a risk when it's actually destiny or fate
Risking everything is not always a true risk but a desperate leap of faith
Certain risks i would not want my kids to take - no matter what the payoff could be
But dont let that passion that makes each breath a little deeper pass you by-- each day eager with promise
Do the impossible- dream the heights- listen to the echos in your heart--
Without the risks we take-- life's just someone else's path
Monday, April 22, 2019

I love sandwiches- I probably prefer them to just about any fancy meal
I recall as a child my mother used to make us olive spread sandwiches- I don't think they still make it
We also enjoyed sandwich spread ones- if you don't know - it's just mayo with sweet pickle
One of my favorite ones is a good old tomato sandwich - wirh mayo and salt- maybe a bit of pepper
There's nothing better than a peanut butter and banana sandwich or with honey
One of my childhood friends used to eat peanut butter and hersey chocolate bar sandwiches
You can't beat a grilled cheese in my book- and recently I've discovered I like them better with mayo
That reminds me-- tuna! - it's great with the mayo and sweet relish of course but ever tried it with onion and celery with fresh lemon juice?
There used to be this sub shop when I was a teenager-- they had the most amazing "just cheese" subs-- it was heated-- and that sauce-- never knew what was in it
What can I say-- I'm a girl of simple tastes
Saturday, April 20, 2019

Do you make them?
I seldom officially commit to them
That doesn't mean there aren't countless lists containing tons of them
Sometimes I accomplish the small ones-- I don't make 'em too big
I remember a couple of years ago I did say I was going to start playing the piano again - unfortunately I havent touched it since
Is it presumptuous to make these resolutions-- it's life's job to keep us too busy to even remember them
Friday, April 19, 2019

I find myself trying to take much of life quickly-- not so much in a hurry but wanting to get things behind me
It's really pretty crazy when I think of it-- things I like to do - things I don't enjoy doing- it doesn't seem to be any different to my approach
I am a person who's late if not 15 minutes or more early
Always pacing the waiting away--anxious about the event the journey and the whole enchilada
I think get a stromg blend of my parents in this area-- my dad was nervous about much of life growing up- something that few people would have recognized
My mother had the early or you're late thing
My husband is mostly the attitude- they'll wait-- we have plenty of time--
Hes one of those people that can actually read those magazines in the Drs waiting area
Me-- I can't do anything but sit on the edge of my chair and hope it all goes quickly
Thursday, April 18, 2019
the Punishment

When my 2 oldest boys Dustin and Colin were about 11 and 12 they had a fun day planned with the neighbor boy
Their friend was a good friend to both of my boys-- his mom was taking them to play laser tag
My kids had chores -- that day Dustin had finished his with a flourish but Colin- well let's just say - he was a little less eager to get his small chore behind him
As he dawdled and dragged around I insisted that if he did not finish he would not be allowed to go with his friend
I wasn't always the greatest in the follow through of some punishments-- especially one that would deprive him of such a rare treat
All he had to do was dust the dining room- a very small room mind you
Well the time came for them to leave-- no Colin would not be going
Dustin and his friend enthusiastically left -and I'd like to think they didn't feel too bad for Colin- so they could enjoy their adventure
Colin did not cry or anything-- leaving me to agonize at my heartless decision
Colin is now in his late thirties-- I can't tell you the times this day has come back to my heart
One day it hit me!-- for some reason Colin did not want to go that day-- I would finally ask him -- he indeed said no he hadn't really cared about going
Don't know if I believe him though- part of me thinks he just might have said that -knowing the guilt I was still carrying
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Ordering through the drive-thru

I really do not like to order through the drive thru
I don't know exactly why I am weird about this common occurrence but it kinda sets me on edge
This one time Robyn and I pull up to get our order- and then I hear those dreaded words "could you pull over in that space and we'll bring your order out in a minute"
I tell her no I won't- that I'm sorry but I don't do that
She stares at me with sincere wonderment
Then I just go ahead and share with her - that it freaks me out
Whatever item we were supposed to wait on- that had brought this uncomfortable exchange in the first place-- suddenly was in the cashier's hands-- she -averting my face quickly offers me a "have a nice day ma'am"
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Monday, April 15, 2019
Melissa Manchester

You know how some scenes in movies tv shows can stay with you
Years ago - probably in the early 70's there was this soap opera- crazy I can't remember which one it was-- I want to say "search for tomorrow"- but somehow I don't think that's right
There was this storyline - a young man was trying to make it as a singer song writer-- in comes Melissa Manchester-- I'm pretty sure she wasn't playing herself but a singer as well-- she kinda discovers the young man--
In the process she sings her song "be somebody"
I have loved that song ever since-- until recently I was unable to find it anywhere-- nowhere on YouTube -- then there it was a couple of years ago
It's one of those inspirational type songs- I hope it perks up your Monday a bit😍
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Love like you were dying

For most of us -- we would definitely love like we were dying if we knew death was soon
But of course we don't know- and well it could be
I know it's not possible or at least not practical to think that way or for sure love that way
But what if we did
We would spend that day together- take that trip as a family
Write that note to that person that doesn't text
better yet call them
We might really look into that loved one's face and dare to make eye contact- stopping to sit down and listen as they chatted away
What if we gave away the things people wanted now instead of saving them until we were gone or they no longer wanted them
And the list goes on and nothing I have said is new -- but how we can live each day like we aren't dying is the real mystery and why we would love differently if we were is the greater question
Friday, April 12, 2019
the Kool-Aid house

As our kids grew up our house became the proverbial "Kool-Aid " house
We were pretty particular about where we would allow them to go-- preferring to let any and all gather at our place
There were lots of parties and special times but mostly an open door policy for a place to simply hang out or a sleepover
I tried to keep our kitchen stocked with cheap cookies chips and other tasty snacks--- the fridge held almost everyone's favorite -- frozen burritos-- a second close was anything "little debbie"
It was a small price for the happiness they all seemed to have during those all too quick to pass times
Even now if one of those childhood boys now men see my husband in the yard -- you can hear a loud "Franko"- as they still affectionately call him
Funny thing is -- I don't ever remember serving them Kool-Aid
Thursday, April 11, 2019
the Jars

I bought these 3 small glass jars from the dollar store-- probably at least 3 or 4 years ago
They have come to represent the changing seasons and holidays as I fill them with different candies
Right now there are brightly colored jelly beans in them - last year the jelly beans were light pastel colors- they are replacing the conversation hearts from Valentine's day
Next year I might try and find some cute St. Patrick's day candies-- I thought this year about filling them with lucky charms!
At Christmas they have held chocolate balls- peppermints- or other holiday treats
Fall brings on the candy corn of course
Soon the jelly beans will be tossed and darling little gummy watermelon slices will adorn the cute containers
It's a little thing for sure but an enjoyable one for me
Every once in a while they are even tasted but mostly they're just there reminding us of the sweetness each season brings
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Ice cream (sorry)

I am a little disappointed in myself for writing on ice cream-- but oh well
I really enjoy soft serve ice cream
I will list my top 4
4. Chick-fil-a
3. McDonald's
2. Sonics
1. Dairy queen
4 and 3 aren't actually ice cream-1 and 2 are
Dairy queen has come out with a new dipped cone flavor- orange dreamcicle- I plan to try it
I love the dipped cones-- McDonald's used to have dipped chocolate cones but didn't carry them long - at least in our area-- too bad - their flavor was better than dairy queen but were extremely messy
Last week Frank was picking up vanilla ice cream for me -- he insisted breyers only had vanilla bean!- Robyn goes in there a couple of days after- she calls me to see which breyers vanilla i wanted-- seems they had - creamy- homemade and several other- but oddly no vanilla bean!
Sonics has a strawberry sundae-- Frank has discovered if he orders it the way I like it with no whipped cream- just ask for ice cream with strawberry sauce-- you can save something like 60 cents-- it embarrasses me though
I don't know why McDonald's also got rid of their twist cones- mixing chocolate and vanilla
I don't plan to write such frivolous dribble the rest of the challenge-- but hey they do say "write what you know"
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
the Ham dilemma

If you have followed me through the years or just know me- you may be aware of my love hate thing I have going with food
Some of the problem could be deeper haha but today I'm referring to my indecision and countless lists concerning my Easter menu
One of the issues is that I really wanted to have ham-- i don't know it just seems to be the meat to have
I'll also be having chicken too- but some people coming won't eat chicken
Anyway the dilemma with the ham is this -- I'm ordering the food-- I used to cook it all but for the last few years I don't!
I haven't been able to find ham - like a whole ham or spiral ham- hot and ready to serve-- it's hard to get the ham heated back up in time for lunch- and I'm already having lunch later
I thought about ham biscuits---
I sure hope no one that's coming will read my blog today-- I think I'm pretty safe there
I like my menu to be somewhat of a surprise
I can almost hear my reader thinking- "Wow this lady has a lot to worry about"
Menus and mantles are what I obsess about when I'm not worrying about important things-- like a necessary diversion
What do you have for Easter dinner-- don't worry I won't tell anyone
Monday, April 8, 2019
the Grocery store dream

About 20 or 25 years ago I starting having this reoccurring dream
I was maybe 1 or 2 years old - my daddy was holding me -- we were in a grocery store
I recognized the building -- it was the "annex" building on our church's property
Our church had used this building for Sunday school classes and a coffee house through the years- it's now being used as a day care
In the dream there was lots and lots of fresh vegetables- so many choices and vibrant colors
The wooden container racks were stadium level displays
As I continued to have this dream- I started to figure it had some biblical meaning of sorts- something like "the fields are ripe for harvest "
In the dream it was always only my father and I so that furthered my assumption of the dream having a spiritual message
After years of continuing to dream the same dream- almost weekly-- I mentioned the dream to my dad
He tells me that indeed the "annex" building had once been a grocery store
He says he never had been in it
He and I both determined I could have had no knowledge of the small food market
I still believe the dream had a certain message for me or someone-- funny thing is that ever since discussing the dream with my dad I have never had the dream again
Saturday, April 6, 2019
The Flower Garden

Today's pick for f brought me back to a day when I was around 16 or 17
A couple of my friends and I had skipped part of school - we didn't really have any special plans but a last minute decision to stop by my grandmother's house proved to leave an indelible memory for me
We surprised her- as she spent much of her time alone-- visitors were always welcomed and she genuinely appreciated the unexpected if infrequent occurrences
She offered to make us something to eat- we refused-- as we definitely were not intending on staying long
As we were trying to leave-she insisted we take a look at her pretty flowers
My grandmother did not have a lot of beautiful things in her house and her tiny almost courtyard style of backyard was nothing fancy or partically inviting
She walked us around the perimeters - pointing out each flower- each one's name easily shared-- as she gestured she said these memorable words-- "study the colors"
We snickered at her enthusiasm
Many many times since that day I have thought of those words- and of the joy my grandmother took from her tiny flower garden
Friday, April 5, 2019
E is for empathy

Today's letter was a hard one for me
I finally settled on empathy
There have been times in my life that empathy has almost crippled me
Unlike when tragedy hits one's self- empathy often is for a stranger -- leaving you not knowing how they may or may not be coping-- leaving you to imagine the worse
Because we can't feel someone's peace -- we can pray for it - but we never know about some situations
We can only see the headlines-- the horrible details- the hopeless emptiness of life that often comes from what seem to be random senseless events
I guess who we see ourselves in will lead to a greater experience of empathy
Yesterday as I heard the details of a heartbreaking situation- of a family I did not know -- I felt as though I did know them-- I started questioning life and all the mysteries each day holds--
My prayer for all is the comfort of the Holy Spirit- the presense I have deeply been aware of many times in my life-- and God's tender mercies for the day
Thursday, April 4, 2019
D- it's all in the delivery

Once you say something it's said you can't take it back--
In our day to day interaction with the public our friends and family we communicate our feelings our desires and our intent
With all the social media our meaning to our words is often misunderstood-- our delivery is sometimes unclear and harsh sounding- probably most of the times that happens it is intentional but that impersonal written word gets us in trouble occasionally
It is in our delivery that we convey our sarcasm our displeasure and our passion
I still have to laugh at the delivery of a line in our church Christmas play one year
The line was "money is no problem with me"--- I directed how it was to be delivered but this actor accentuated every word but the right one
"money IS no problem with me"
"money is no problem with ME?"
It is still hilarious
Yes as we type away our texts - Facebook comments -we should be aware of our delivery- too many caps?-- too many exclamation points?
And don't get me started on those emojis
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
2 C words

Caution and confession have been rolling around in my brain-- truthfully caution just came to me but yesterday I was pretty sure I would write about confessions
I am a cautious person in many ways and in so many ways a risk taker
It seems to be the smaller things in life that lead me to be quite cautious
I would suggest you be cautious in your use of caution
On to confessions- a little story
Years ago- I was in high school - my parents and brother were out of town
I was home alone-- except for the 100 some people who came over for a party
I had not planned for that many-- okay back to writing with more honesty
I had put out the word and knew full well it would be most of the school!
Anyway after the big weekend as I was cleaning everything up I noticed a small hole under one of the cushions on the formal living room sofa
Oh wow- I had figured some one had dropped a cigarette--
Days went by-- months-- then years--
Finally I confessed to my mother that somehow I may have been responsible for that hole
She laughed and said "no that hole was there when we got it"
I don't remember if i told her then about the party but I did tell my parents -- by that time I think they were pretty battle weary- so not much was said
The moral of this story -- be very cautious with your confessions
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
B is for bread
When I think of bread I think of making bread-- not actually mind you- just the idea of it
How it would smell- the gooey moist feel of the dough- the mess in the kitchen
The kind of disorder that leaves you feeling that sense of accomplishment
That small bit of flour on your face
I had a friend some years ago-- we have since lost touch but he was always making his own bread-- we talked and planned about making some together one day-- it never happened
But the very clear picture of that day has not left me
He and Frank would be discussing biblical topics while equating it to the bread of life and so on
I would maybe be adorning an apron--
The tea kettle softly humming
Big sturdy mugs circling steam throughout our cozy kitchen
And when we sliced that first piece-- we would all sigh a collective mmmmm
A- day

Well I'm not even officially in the a/z challenge this year- hey I'm so out of the proverbial loop that I'm not certain it's being done this year
Okay I'm cheating a little- it's b day but I will catch up with good old a
After-- a great little word
I'll be over after dinner
It was after nana died
After it was all over
It's a comforting word and a dreaded one sometimes--
Sometimes that after we talk about never ever comes or it's not the after we expected
It's one of those non descript words that seems easy to promise at the time until after gets there
After all isn't it easier to gently ponder reality in the great after
Monday, March 18, 2019
Little moments
I had a pretty busy weekend- wanted to try and share a couple of things about it- although I'm kinda thinking they might be "you had to be there" moments
We tried our once a month thing of getting our family together- didn't work out exactly that way- we ended up having two separate lunches -
The first one- I see my son and his family pull up in the parking lot -- the 7 of them are standing outside their car- I walk over saying something like"hey you guys look just like my family "- crickets--- I then- having the song that was just playing as we drove up in my head--- shout "Hey it's Julio down by the school yard"-- I then say a thing that sorry - is unique to our family-- "Nanny' s been in the Manischewitz again"-- not really mind you --
Then I hold my hand like a mic- tapping it -- "hello hello is this thing on"
And there it is -- my oldest grandson cannot contain his slight amusement-- he reaches out to me-- "hi Nanny "- now that's all I wanted!
Fast forward to the next day's lunch-- other part of the fam-- and finally meeting granddaughter's sweet boyfriend-- and celebrating the other granddaughter's birthday
I tell them that after lunch I would really appreciate it if they could jump around while we got pictures-- they immediately want to know why-- finally suspecting I want it for the next Christmas video-- I say nothing
Oh and if you are wondering if the other family lunch had had that particular request-- well yes-- again crickets
Well of course it possibly could be for some sort of video
I'm thinking of making a contest of it- $50- to the one that guesses the song the jumping thing is about-- hey they are nothing if not competitive
Monday, February 18, 2019
We wonder
I can't help thinking about the poor workers that lost their lives Friday in the workplace shooting
I think about them-- ready to leave work-- possibly for a long weekend
Maybe big plans- maybe just some time off -- time to spend with family- perhaps some shopping or just some binge watching of their favorite tv show
We all know death will come-- we all know it's a part of life-- a part we don't prefer to think about too often--
I offer no special insights today on death or any philosophy on life
Only a disconnect of emotions- of wondering as a Christian about what seems sometimes like randomness and disorder
About my prayers for my loved ones sorrows to be small-- and does my small as a mustard seed faith depend on my unwavering faith-- or as I believe God gives personal faith-- the amount we happen to have at any given moment
I know somewhere in my heart it's useless to ponder and ultimately detrimental to our existence to live with one eye open -- waiting to receive that horrible call
That senseless message that our lives here have been forever altered- forever scarred
Only His healing touch can reach such pain
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Sometimes it is the little things
I'm sitting here this morning wanting to write but having a fair amount of difficulty coming up with a subject
Then as I was enjoying my coffee it hit me -- I'll share some of my small comforts that have added pleasure to my life
There was a time when I would have thought it too expensive to purchase the liquid flavored coffee creamers
But they are so good- I don't use them with my first cup of coffee though-- only the later second one
Only thing is the limited choices in the sugar free kind- I particularly like hazelnut
Okay this may sound insane but I really find comfort in boxes of tissues-- I keep one nearby in my living room- 1 in each of my bathrooms and 1 next to my bed
On to food-- I appreciate the frozen family size entrees on occasion- supplemented with unusual side dishes like veggie puffs- kinda like a tator tot
It makes for an easy -seems like home cooking kinda night
Also along the same food thing- it's amazing how much joy in a frozen cheesecake-- something we don't do often but when you know it's thawing in the frigde- well you can't wait for dinner to be over! One brand even comes pre sliced!
And here is a surprising one to me -- frozen blueberries! My sister Ruth brought me some after my hospital stay for diabetes - I thought thanks but I won't be trying those! Now love love love them- especially tasty with a little milk!
With my love of lists- I have come to depend on my memo app on my phone- just hoping they all transfer when we change phones-- I like to look back at lists-- great way to remember what you have already given someone etc!
Speaking of gifts-- a real physical comfort I have discovered is flannel sheets - Robyn gave me some for Christmas-- I have a friend that has always loved them
I didn't think they would be for me -- but oh man what a nice soft feeling to slip into a warm bed on a frigid night
Well hopefully you have found some small things that have become life enhancing to you that you care to share - just that little bit of sunshine in your day
Friday, January 25, 2019
Frank knows I sleep with other people
This post may be a little challenging to make interesting without making me sound insane-- I'll take that challenge
Like many children I slept with various dolls and stuffed animals
Now I recall telling about how I see my numbers and how I group utensils into families as I wash them so actually this is pretty tame comparatively speaking
I still sleep with dolls and stuffed animals
Not as many as when I was a child-- only 8 for now
I haven't always done this as an adult-- I think it started about 6 or 7 years ago
They are cozily huddled in between Frank and my pillows
Frank hardly ever complains about them-- there was a time when he would purposely hide "santa" but no more--- guess it wasn't so funny when I would wake up to check if they were all there -- not feeling santa- I would naturally have to turn on the light and search!
I think the video I'm going to share was before "carty fish" joined us- he was my son Carter's special friend
For those of you that read my blog today hoping to find a much different content- shame on you 😉
Friday, January 18, 2019
Write what you know?
I just ate my fluffy waffles-- I know I probably shouldn't eat them but I did drastically cut down on the butter or actually margarine
This stupid diabetes 2 is breaking my spirit a bit- seems I'm putting on a few pounds- now mind you I was eating pretty much whatever I wanted before I went back on diabetes meds - and was continuing to lose weight
I hear you - I'm not dumb i realize the untreated illness was eating away my body- believe me I understand diet- diabetes and nutrition-- oh I guess that does make me dumb
I'm trying- I really am- and I do feel better in some ways -- my sincere hope is to at least get off insulin- just take pills
I am dreading with a passion my next Dr appt- honestly I didn't particularly like him but I will try to deal with him for the moment- gee I hope he doesn't read my blog
I am convinced that the meds are making me gain weight - although I have heard that is not true- the insulin definitely makes you hungrier- I hear about a few other diabetes meds that offer the vague promise of weight loss but the side effects are way too scary for me
Oh and yes this blog was about diabetes and my attempt at this writing thing again after my 3 year absence-- not the best material-- but hey- I do believe in that writing what you know thing --
Just wish this part of my life I had never made it's acquaintance-
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Ready set...write!
I hate snow!!
They are calling for the cold mess this weekend
I'm becoming more and more of a warm weather fan-- only liking the brisk days of autumn - and the moderate cold days that lead up to Christmas
I don't much care for February either and I could do without March or April really-- and maybe August -- haha I know -- so far this blog is ground breaking huh
No the truth is I went to my blog and accidently hit the new post thingy-- so being the lazy writer I am-- I said to myself- why not- there's gotta be something I have to say
I just ate some egg beaters Robyn made for me -- since I've been gone from the blogging world - actually a couple of months ago-- I had to restart treating my type 2 diabetes-- on insulin and pills
So the eggs are a pretty good choice for me
After the hospital stay that started all this business again-- Robyn was like a drill sergeant-- making me eat stuff like cauliflower rice and mash- zucchini noodles and other horrible concoctions
Don't get me wrong-- I appreciate the care she and my husband have given me and the stern words from my sons but for someone who loves vegetables-- I'm almost gagging remembering some of these dishes
Now mind you this particular blog is not about snow or diabetes but more of my "carpe diem" kinda thing -- on the new blog-- okay write
Friday, January 4, 2019
Refreshing alive- simply dashing about and screaming a little inside-- actually screaming a lot
Unending ragged-- torn from top to middle and waving like a tattered flag
Such is now and again was tomorrow
Grasping for an air bubble or resigning to the peace-- all the while the howling wind relentlessly laughs at our stance
Gloriously avoiding each broken piece beneath our feet - we forget
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Hello it's me, haven't I used that before?
Hey there- something hit me this morning- it felt like maybe I should blog again- what has it been- a couple of years
It might have been about the great purchases at Target yesterday- I don't know
I found some really pretty flowers - I think I've decided to use them now instead of saving them for next Christmas-- they don't exactly scream Christmas anyway
I kinda already miss Christmas-- I feel a little of the let down-- still trying my best to not hate winter--
I do feel a sense of accomplishment from this Christmas season-- we were able to host my husband's family and then my side-- not to mention our immediate family Christmas night thing
I find myself holding my breath a lot during the holidays -- hoping all stay well-- and just an extra dose of my worrying
I truly think I need to prepare for Christmas - at least in my head-- say somewhere around August
As much as I get into Christmas-- it surprises people to know I can leave almost all my previous decorations nestled not so neatly in their boxes in our attic
Yes- probably partly because it allows me to shop around- finding cute inexpensive knick knacks
Well I may be back around soon-- peace to you all and happy New Year
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